I've been a mother for over 21 years. I have two adult children out of the home, and seven still at home. I just became a grandma. I still live with the idea that it's my job to make sure my kids turn out right, make the right choices, and grow up to be responsible adults who don't need too much therapy. I've lived my parenting life full of shoulds, oughts, and internal pressure to do everything right. I wish I'd read The Low-Pressure Guide to Parenting Your Preschooler years ago.
It doesn't just apply to preschoolers. As I read the book, I could see how children at all their different ages needed the same things, and how I fall into the same parenting traps even after all these years. (Why do I suddenly feel so old writing this review?)
This book really does offer good parenting tips, excellent communication skills, as well as help reduce the pressure we put on ourselves as parents. It won't make your life instantly easier, because kids are still kids, and they will make bad choices. But, it can help you walk through the parenting journey without taking on problems that aren't really yours in the first place.
I did learn a lot about communication with children and I am working to make changes in how I parent ... even after 21 years of experience. It would make a great gift for a young mom in your life! I'm going to read it a second time, then pass it to my daughter so she can avoid some of the mistakes I've made.
April E.