Our family has been blessed to see Matthew West in concert at Winter Jam in the past. We've enjoyed his albums and our children often listen to them as they're falling asleep at night. So, we were very excited to receive his latest album, All In, for review.
The album has a more personal feeling, showing little pieces of Matthew's life. The Sound of a Life Changing tells the story of Matthew West's own call to music ministry. Something Greater talks about his marriage at first, and then moves on to other issues as it discusses the sovereignty of God and His work in the world. Jesus & You is another song that shows his thankfulness for Jesus' grace in his life, and his wife's love. Becoming Me is a tribute to Moms - I'm not sure if it's to his mother or his wife, but it's beautiful. And of course, one of our favorite parts of his albums is the hidden track featuring his daughters - and we loved this one, too.
The songs on the All In album are:
- All In
- Broken Things
- Mercy is a Song
- Amen
- The Sound of a Life Changing
- Something Greater
- Jesus and You
- The Beautiful Things We Miss
- 1 Song
- Power Love Sound Mind
- Never Ever Give Up
- Dream Again
- Becoming Me
- You are Known
Our entire family is enjoying All In by Matthew West. This evening the majority of my family are seeing him in concert on his All In tour. I know they're going to be blessed!
April E.