Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Write Shop Story Builders

Write Shop has created three fun Storybuilder e-books:  World of Animals, World of People, and Christmas MiniBuilders

The StoryBuilder e-books include 4 categories of cards (192 total) that you print onto cardstock, and cut apart.  The four categories are:

  • character

  • character trait

  • setting

  • plot

These cards can be printed in black and white onto colored cardstock, or with colored ink onto plain cardstock.  (I chose to print in black and white onto plain cardstock, and then use colored sharpie markers to mark the cards by category.)  Then the children choose one card from each set, and use those ideas to create a story. 

My kids and I were excited to receive two of these to review:  World of People and Christmas MiniBuilders.  Each of my children, including the ones who can't write, eagerly selected their 4 cards and started making up stories.  When Daddy came home, they nearly pounced on him, racing to be the first to tell their stories to him.   Daddy wanted to join in the fun, so that night he selected 4 cards, and used them to make up a bedtime story for the kids.  Then it was Mommy's turn to do the same.  I think we have a new family ritual.

This is a simple idea, but it works.  It's fun, and very versatile!  You can use it for creative writing in school (make it more challenging by assigning them to write their stories as plays, or in first, second, or third person point of view).  You can use it for fun family times, in the car or at home.  You can write "round robin" stories with each person drawing a new card and adding to the story.

The e-books are priced very reasonably, and are reusable!  The World of Animals and World of People are each priced at $9.95, although currently on sale for $7.95 at the Write Shop store and The Old Schoolhouse Store.  The Christmas MiniBuilder is listed at $4.95, but currently on sale for $3.95 at each store. 

Our family has enjoyed the StoryBuilders e-books, and give them a big "thumbs up!"  They're helpful, affordable, fun, and non-consumable.  They will add a fun element to your homeschool as they encourage your children to write.

Write Shop and The Old Schoolhouse Store are currently giving away the World of Animals StoryBuilder e-book totally FREE!  You can go HERE to download it.  I don't know how long it will last, so hurry to get it now!

Click the banner at the top to read more reviews on this product by other Homeschool Crew members.

Trusting in Him,