Monday, October 19, 2009

Sarah's Wish of the Sarah Books by Jim Baumgardner

A Homeschool Crew Review

When we received Sarah's Wish in the mail, I was first drawn to the beautiful butterfly on the cover.  I then noticed on the back cover that the author, Jim Baumgardner, is from Kansas!  Although he is from Kansas, the book is set in Ohio where his family originated.  One of the characters in the book is Jim's great-great-grandfather.

Sarah's Wish is a Christian historical fiction book centered around the Underground Railroad.  Sarah and her mother are conductors on the Underground Railroad.  When tragedy strikes, Sarah has to carry on with the secret task alone.   But trouble is lurking and she may not be able to keep her promise to her Mom. 

This book was very enjoyable!  Before I could read it, my 14 year old ran off with it.  She stayed up late to finish it the same day she started it.  I read it the next day, and found it to be interesting and enlightening.  Sarah's Wish has moments of sadness, suspense, and joy.  It pulls you into the story and the middle of the 19th century, helping you understand the time.

Sarah's Wish is an excellent book to read aloud as a family, or for 10-15 year olds to read on their own.  I believe it will appeal to boys and girls alike.  Jim Baumgardner handles the issue of slavery and the Underground Railroad gracefully, without glossing over the issue.   Sarah's Wish also shows the diverse nature of conductors on the Underground Railroad.   It is an excellent way to help your children understand the Civil War, the issue of slavery, and the role of the Underground Railroad in American history.

Sarah's Wish
retails for $10.99, but is available from the author for $9.99.  It also includes a code for a free copy of the audio-book download.  This is a 125 page paperback book, and it is the first in the Sarah Books series.  Sarah's Promise and Sarah's Escape are also available from the author, although they are each longer, so they cost more.  You can read excerpts of the books at the website.

Sarah's Wish is an excellent book, and I'm thankful I was introduced to the author, and this series.

This has been a TOS Homeschool Crew review.  As a member of the Homeschool Crew, we are given homeschool-related items and asked to write honest reviews.  The items are provided to us by the companies, but we are not paid for our reviews.  There are over 125 Homeschool Crew members, with different homeschool methods and family situations -- providing different opinions about the products.  Click HERE to read more reviews on this product by other Homeschool Crew members.

Trusting in Him,