Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Four Weeks of Walk Kansas

We're actually 4.5 weeks into our 8 week Walk Kansas project.  We've walked from Eastern Kansas, as far as Colby, KS ... if you convert every 15 minutes of exercise to 1 mile.  Last week our family team had the most minutes we've ever had, though I personally didn't beat my first week's 3 hours.  I am getting 2.5 hours of exercise every week, but it's hard for me to balance my exercise time with family needs, and making sure their exercise time is protected from little ones underfoot.

It's the midway point where we re-evaluate our goals and our plans.  The only change I made was to try to get my exercise in 5 days a week or more, rather than only hitting 3 or 4 days of the week.  I do need to eat more fruits and veggies at breakfast and lunch.  I'm getting a lot of vegetables at supper, but not earlier in the day.

Some of us set weight loss goals for our Walk Kansas plan.  Steve is just a few pounds away from hitting his, and I know he will.  I've lost another 5 lbs since starting Walk Kansas, bringing me down from 175 in January to 160 today.  I'm happy to have lost 15 lbs, but I had to add another hole to my belt last week and my summer clothes I was looking forward to wearing are on the baggy side.  I guess I can live with that.

My main goal, though, was to model a more active lifestyle for our kids, and we're doing that.  My 6 year old daughter keeps telling us how good it is to be active and exercising.  Each of my children is learning to look at their own life and notice when they are being sedentary.  They are moving more, getting outside more, and they've regained an interest in talking about healthy food choices.

That is why we joined Walk Kansas.  I don't want it to end in 4 weeks, though.  I want it to be a lifestyle change.

April E.