Friday, June 5, 2015

Review: Bible Dominoes Game from Kregel Publishing

I should have known when I asked to review Bible Dominoes that my 4 year old was going to love them. She loves board games in general, and especially those geared for preschoolers. But I was surprised by how much she enjoys the Bible Dominoes and how often she asks to play them with me.

We've been enjoying this simple game. The game came with a booklet of Bible stories by Juliet David and all the illustrations in the booklet and on the dominoes are by Jo Parry. I like that they aren't just Bible story pictures, but that the game teaches counting skills, as well as color-matching skills. When we play the game, she's always talking about color patterns she sees forming.

Unfortunately, she has started to think the point of the game is to make our shape look like the picture on the back of the box, so she doesn't play by the rules but wants it to all look like the box. I'm still working to help her understand every game will look different!

The dominoes are a nice size, about 5 inches long and are made of a very thick cardboard. They're brightly colored and the illustrations are really cute! At $9.99 for the set of 28 dominoes, they're a really affordable addition to your homeschool preschool or your Sunday School class. They're published by Candle Books, an imprint of Kregel and Lion Hudson.

We're loving the Bible Dominoes at our house! And honestly, I love that it's a game I can play with my preschooler that doesn't take a long time!

April E.

Disclaimer: This game was provided to me free in exchange for an honest review, by Kregel Publications. No other compensation was received.